What it is...
EFT is a set of techniques that work with the energy meridians in the body based on the same principles as acupuncture or acupressure, to balance the energy system in the body. It can remove the effects of negative emotions and cravings.
History of EFT...
EFT is based on the same energy systems that have been used in acupuncture for thousands of years. These systems were first discovered by the ancient Chinese.
How to Eliminate Negative Emotions and Habits...
You will learn how to reduce negative emotions and habits by using the techniques we will teach you for frustration, fears and phobias, road rage, post-traumatic stress, smoking and weight loss.
Hypnotic Tests...
Psychological reversal is a term used to describe a situation where someone's thoughts and behaviors are in conflict with each other. This can lead to self-sabotage, negative self-talk, and chronic illness. To eliminate psychological reversal, our EFT energy work technique is highly effective.