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Each of these resources is a powerful tool to help you get real results and gain freedom. Many at no cost to you.

Free Resources

Are you looking for ways to create lasting change in your life? Check out the free resources below. If you want to go deeper, we offer a few online courses. And if you really want to make a difference in your life and the lives of others, attend one of our live trainings or certification programs.

Video Series- Elevate Your Life

Three video series that exposes the three things that hold most people back in life and cause them to live in a mental prison. Learn what to overcome to find personal freedom.

The Wheel of Life

Regardless of your level of success and happiness in life, there are always areas of life that could use some fine tuning and improvement. Take the free assessment to see where you are thriving and barely surviving.

Discovery Call

A complementary 30 minute phone call or Zoom call. In this one-on-one call we will discover where you currently are in life, what you want to overcome and what you want to achieve in life. This call will set the direction for getting the results you want to create an empowering and limitless life you have only previously dreamed of. 

Paid Courses

If you're looking for more than just  introductory information on creating lasting change, check out our paid courses below. Our primary focus is in person sessions and trainings. So, if you're determined to make a difference in your life and the lives of others, and possibly create a new career based on helping others find freedom in their lives, attain their goals and dreams, attend one of our live trainings or certification programs.

The Effect of Being at Cause

This training goes in depth from the Cause of Effect e-book and expands on how your unconscious mind works to create your life, what you value, what you believe and why you think the way you do.Learn how you can shift to create the life you want. This is the foundation all lasting change is built on. 

Mental Focus

This course is designed to teach you what mental focus really is and how you can develop it in your life. In today's world, everyone seems busy and distracted - but don't worry! With this course, you will learn the steps required to create focus in your life. Learn how to get through the day without distractions, think clearly, be productive, and ultimately be more successful!


There is an ever-growing body of scientific evidence that supports the physical and mental health benefits of mindfulness. The key to living a happier, healthier life is learning how to be more mindful. This 21 day course introduces the principles of mindfulness, meditation, and walks you through setting up your own practice. With guided meditations. a journal and interactive exercises that will take your practice from zero to hero in no time